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Dr. Altug Tanriover

Orthopedic Surgeon
Orthopaedics & Traumatology 
Ankara, Turkey

Dr. AltuÄŸ Tanrıöver is an orthopedic surgeon working in Cankaya Hospital Turkey, which is a reference center for sports traumatology, arthroplasty and foot and ankle surgery and receiving patients from all over Turkey. He is the chief of foot and ankle surgery department for last 5 years.


After completing his orthopedic fellowship in Ankara, Hacettepe University, he did compulsory army service as orthopedic surgeon and started his career in Cankaya hospital as foot and ankle surgeon.


He did observing fellowship in Duke University with Dr. J. Nunley and Brown University with Dr. C.W. DiGiovanni. He is a well known foot and ankle surgeon in Turkey. He is an active member of Orthopedic societies.  He also served as a volunteer surgeon in Viet Nam as a member of AOFAS.


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